Release Notes - 5/4/2024 - Cosmic Conqueror
  • 05 May 2024
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Release Notes - 5/4/2024 - Cosmic Conqueror

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BillingBot Release Notes

Version W2405.194 - May 3rd 2024 - Cosmic Conqueror


New Features

  • [Ingram Micro Hardware]: You can now process your Ingram Micro hardware order invoices with BillingBot. Set up Ingram Micro on the Integrations tab to get started. *note - Ingram Micro integration will be enabled the week of 5/6 pending Ingram Micro's approval of our OAUTH app. In the meantime it will show "Coming Soon" - we'll announce when it is available.
  • [Universal CSV Import]: Make your own integrations to BillingBot with our Universal CSV Import. This module allows you to integrate any CSV into BillingBot with a minimal set of fields. BillingBot can map the columns automatically (with a chance for you to override, of course) and remember that configuration for the future. The next time it sees a CSV in that format again, it'll parse it automatically into the charges table. There is no limit to the number of custom integrations you can create with the CSV import module. This translates to completely bespoke integrations for those vendors that only give you a CSV every month. *note - Universal CSV import is in User Acceptance Testing (UAT) with our trusted beta testers. This will be coming to production in the next couple of weeks.
  • [Separation of Integrations]: BillingBot's integrations now house separate configurations from each other. Previously, the global configuration was used for all integrations. Now things like Default Item, Income Account, Expense Account, and Tax Code as well as invoice modifiers and invoice behavior can be controlled per integration. This means you can target things from say, Ingram Micro, to your hardware accounts codes while keeping Pax8 using the CoA codes for Software, for example. Likewise you could have one integration create a new invoice every time (handy for things like hardware), while having Pax8 sync to the recurring invoices instead. You've been granted total freedom over how you invoice on a per integration basis.
  • [Integration Agnostic]: BillingBot no longer requires Pax8 to use. During the initial config you are only asked for HaloPSA credentials. After setup, you can go to the Integrations screen to add whichever integrations you'd like to use.
  • [Separation of Client and Product Mappings]: Clients and Products are now tracked separately per integration. This means when working on the Client Management or Product Lifecycle screens you now how to choose an integration at the top to load the companies or products for that integration. This helps keep things clean and logically separate, especially when it comes to one off hardware invoices and products. Likewise, BillingBot will now create additional product groups in your HaloPSA instance if you are using Automatic Product Creation. They will be named in the style of BillingBot_pax8, BillingBot_ingram, etc. This helps targeting the correct item codes and chart of accounts codes to different kinds of products and keeps things clean.
  • [Documentation Updates]: Huge improvements have been made to our documentation platform. Please check it out!


  • [Visual Enhancements]: Over 50 visual enhancements have been made to BillingBot. This includes things like reducing the clutter of grids while conveying the same information graphically, and various rendering improvements.
  • [Pax8 and HaloPSA OAuth PKCE (UAT)]: Pax8 and HaloPSA support for OAuth code flow consent which will make obsolete the need to create API keys for these platforms and will instead allow you to simply log in and consent to the connection. This enhancement is currently in UAT with our trusted beta testers and will be released soon.
  • [New Integrations Experience]: The integrations screen has gotten an overhaul. It's now easier than ever to configure and edit your integration configurations, and to see what is coming soon.
  • [Filters and Search Enhancements]: Did you hate that you couldn't filter or search in the mapping dialogs? Rage no more friend, for we have added the ability to filter and search every-damn-where. We heard you like searching dawg, so we put filtering in your searches so you can search while you filter.


  • [Recurring Invoices - Duplicate Lines]: Recurring invoices were sometimes adding charges to a recurring invoice instead of updating previous values. This has been fixed. Additional logic has been added to properly address the tracking of month to month variances.
  • [Recurring Invoices - Posting invoice wipes quantity calculations on non-BillingBot lines]: When posting charges to a recurring invoice that has non-BillingBot lines using quantity calculation from Assets/Users/Subscriptions/Licenses, BillingBot was clearing those calculation configurations and sending the line back as a normal static quantity. This has been resolved and additional logic added to preserve not only quantity calculations but all other recurring invoice fields that could potentially present this problem in the future.
  • [Legacy Tenancies with ghosts]: Some of our first users of the platform sometimes experienced spooky ghosts in their tenant as a result of hundreds of database changes over the years of development. We have properly exorcised BillingBot and we're pretty sure no lingering spirits remain. We tried calling the Ghostbusters but two of them are dead and Dan Akyroid and Bill Murray won't take our calls.

Performance Improvements

  • [Rendering Improvements]: Heavy improvements to the rendering of grids and pages.
  • [Logic improvements]: We've made significant improvements to how we perform some of the heavier operations in BillingBot. This should result in a noticeable performance gain.

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