Client Management
  • 02 May 2024
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Client Management

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Article summary

Import & Map Clients

The Client Management Screen

1. Refresh Clients Button

This button will query HaloPSA for a list of clients. BillingBot will compare the clients in HaloPSA to the list of companies in Pax8 and attempt to match them based on similarity. If the names are at least 90% similar in both systems, a match will be created automatically. If no match can be determined, you will need to manually map the clients that are missing mappings. This action happens automatically during the setup wizard configuration process.

2-4. ID and Name Fields

  • Halo ID: The unique ID of the client record in HaloPSA.

  • Halo Name: The name of the client in HaloPSA.

  • Pax8 Name: The name of the company in Pax8.

5. Invoice Modifiers

BillingBot allows several invoice modifiers to be set to control the billing behavior of charges. Upon first release there are five modifiers available. If you have suggestions for additional modifiers, please let us know!

  • Drop Azure Lines: Drops all Microsoft Azure & Arrears charges from the invoice. No Azure/Arrears charges will be billed for this client.

  • Collapse Azure Lines: Combines all Azure arrears lines into one line charge by adding all lines costs and prices together. This can combine an infinite number of Azure lines for a client into one.

Note - you can configure the margin of Azure charges globally or per subscription in Pax8. BillingBot does not alter or apply margin to Azure charges, you must correctly configure your margin on the Azure subscription(s) in Pax8 for them to be correctly reflected in BillingBot and your invoices.

  • Drop Favorable Prorates: If enabled, this will drop prorates from an invoice if they are negative in value (e.g. in favor of the reseller).

  • Drop Zero Dollar Lines: If enabled, this will drop lines with $0 in charges from a client invoice.

  • Exclude from Invoice: Do not bill this client at all. Ignores all charges for this client.

6. Edit Company Action

Edit Company allows you to set the modifiers on a client

7. Match Company Action

Match Company allows you to create a mapping between a client in HaloPSA and company in Pax8

8. Delete Company Action

Removes a company from the list.

Allows searching for a client record.

10. Export to PDF, Excel, CSV

Allows you to export the client records to PDF, Excel, or CSV.

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